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Admission & Enrollment

Admissions Criteria

Applicants will be considered for enrollment on a student by student basis primarily on the following criteria:

  • Student must meet the minimum age requirement for entrance to our Preschool & Kindergarten programs

  • Student must pass the grade level entrance assessment (K-12th)

  • At least one parent/guardian must be a Christian believer and is willing and able to sign the school's Statement of Faith

  • Parents/guardians must agree to uphold the Parent/Student Handbook and related school policies

  • Middle & High School students must affirm and sign the Parent/Student Handbook agreement

  • BG Christian would not consider a student who:

    • Has been expelled within at least 1 full school year. Consideration must be school board approved​

    • Has certain areas of behavioral, social, or emotional challenges

  • Priority will be given to students based upon the following hierarchy:

    • Children of Faculty and Staff

    • Siblings of currently enrolled BG Christian families

    • Siblings of new application students

    • Children of BG Christian Alumni

    • New applicants


Have a question? Contact our Admissions Office at 419-354-2422 or

Purpose Driven Enrollment

Purpose Driven Enrollment aligns with the school's mission and is the framework by which all admissions decisions are made at BG Christian Academy. Families who resonate with these ideas will be considered for enrollment.


1. Great Commission Centered

In Matthew 28, Jesus commanded his followers to engage in the two-fold process of both reaching the lost (vs. 19 – “go and make disciples”) and teaching believers (vs. 20 – “teach them to observe all that I have commanded you”). BG Christian’s mission is fundamentally a “teaching” and “discipleship” endeavor.


2. Family Values Oriented

BG Christian seeks to come alongside the work of the family, unapologetically support the Bible’s teaching on human value, marriage, identity, and emphasize traditional values (integrity, hard work, perseverance, etc.).


3. Servant Leadership Based

BG Christian is committed to preparing the next generation of Christian leaders who choose character before career, wisdom beyond scholarship, service before self, and participation as a way of life.


Is this what you are seeking? Connect with us today! 

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Intervention Program

If a student has an IEP, 504, Behavior Plan, a disability, or any other type of accommodation plan, our Intervention Team will help review and evaluate the student’s documentation to determine if we are able to serve the student that year. BG Christian desires as many students as possible to have an opportunity for Christian Education, however, we have a limited ability to service students with IEPs, 504s and disabilities. Because of the limits, we have set up some guidelines to help evaluate the acceptance of these students: 

  • Has a student's accommodations or service plan been submitted with their admissions application?

  • Does student have certain areas of behavioral or emotional goals on an IEP that the school is not able to support?

  • Do we have the capacity? Our Intervention Specialist's caseload (IEP/service plans) is limited and students may not be accepted based upon the number of students currently on IEP/service plans.


Have a question? Contact the Admissions Office at 419-354-2422 or

BG Christian Academy Non-Discrimination Policy:

The Bowling Green Christian Academy School recruits and admits students of any race, color or ethnic origin to all its rights, privileges, programs and activities. In addition, the school will not discriminate on the basis of race, color or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational programs and athletics or extracurricular activities. Furthermore, the school is not intended to be an alternative to court or administrative agency ordered or public school initiated desegregation. The Bowling Green Christian Academy will not discriminate on the basis of race, color or ethnic origin in the hiring of its certified or non-certified personnel.

Visit Us

Lower Campus (PreK-5th)

& Administration Office

1165 Haskins Rd.

Bowling Green, OH 43402

Upper Campus (6th-12th)

17360 N. Dixie Hwy.

Bowling Green, OH 43402


High-Quality Education.
Distinctively Christian.


© 2023 BG Christian Academy. All Rights Reserved

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